Tuesday 10 December 2013

Production Diary - Week 12

In my last lesson, I entirely changed the article layout to test out other designs as I had been quite unsure about the layout I originally had planned to use. I removed one of the pages and plan to convert it to a page which showcases another act (following a photoshoot that I am going to host next month). As one of my original aims was to feature as many artists as I could, I planned to maybe test this by making another article about another artist or band. I also changed up the first article by playing around a bit with the design; changing images around as well as lengthening the article a bit. I am still unsure as to whether or not use two articles or just stick to one, however with contingency time I am going to create a draft of two articles so that I can choose which looks better and follow through with that.
I also found it quite difficult to lengthen my article by a great amount so by creating another article about a different musician or act, I am able to avoid unnecessary rambling in my first article by creating another instead. I hope that this will make my magazine successful and all go to plan.
In my next lesson, I plan on designing this secon article in more detail and creating the basic scaffolding for it whilst also creating the text that is going to be featured inside, and the sooner that I do this, the sooner I am able to establish whether or not I will stick with my original scaffolding or the new one, as I am still quite undecided.

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